A1.2 Demonstrative pronouns: Ce, cette, ces

Ce, cette, and ces are used in French to designate or emphasize a specific person, object, or idea. Ce, cette, and ces help to specify which subject is being discussed in a conversation or text, providing a clear distinction.

Forms of Demonstrative Adjectives

The choice between ce, cette, and ces depends on the gender and number of the noun they qualify:

  • Ce is used with a singular masculine noun starting with a consonant: ce livre, ce monsieur, ce bus (this book, this gentleman, this bus).
  • Cet is a variant form of ce used before a singular masculine noun starting with a vowel or an h : cet arbre, cet hôtel, cet hôpital, cet ordinateur, cet homme, cet appartement, cet avion (this tree, this hotel, this hospital, this computer, this man, this apartment, this airplane).
  • Cette is used with a singular feminine noun: cette maison, cette dame, cette femme, cette université, cette bouteille, cette règle de grammaire (this house, this lady, this woman, this university, this bottle, this grammar rule).
  • Ces is used with plural nouns, be they masculine or feminine: ces livres, ces arbres, ces enfants, ces hommes, ces femmes, ces messieurs, ces dames, ces villes, etc. (these books, these trees, these children, these men, these women, these gentlemen, these ladies, these cities, etc.).

Use of Demonstrative Adjectives

Demonstrative adjectives are used to:

  • Identify an element among others: Ce téléphone est meilleur que celui-là. (This phone is better than that one.)
  • Indicate proximity or distance, physical or figurative: Cette idée me plaît. (This idea appeals to me.)
  • Introduce a subject of conversation: Ces problèmes sont graves. (These problems are serious.)

Other examples

  • Ce chien est très joueur. (This dog is very playful.)
  • Cet arbre a été planté par mon grand-père. (This tree was planted by my grandfather.)
  • Cette maison semble abandonnée. (This house seems abandoned.)
  • Ces livres sont très intéressants. (These books are very interesting.)
  • Ce vélo appartient à mon ami. (This bike belongs to my friend.)
  • Cet hôtel est complet pour ce weekend. (This hotel is fully booked for this weekend.)
  • Cette chaise est très confortable. (This chair is very comfortable.)
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