Niveau 128

What size are you, 39 or 40?
translate la pointure
It is a beautiful blue and white wool sweater.
translate de la laine
It is a 100% cotton t-shirt.
translate du coton
What is it made of? Plastic?
translate du plastique
This lightweight sweater is great for spring.
translate léger
This warm sweater is good for winter.
translate chaud
These pants cost about 60 euros.
translate environ

Niveau 129

Do you have a cigarette?
translate des cigarettes
Someone forgot a pack of cigarettes.
translate un paquet de cigarettes
Is there a place for smokers?
translate fumeur
This is a non-smoking flight.
translate non-fumeur
Excuse me, do you have a light please?
translate du feu
Please, can you bring an ashtray?
translate un cendrier
I need to buy a lighter.
translate un briquet
Do you have any matches?
translate des allumettes

Niveau 130

Do you have a fax number?
translate un fax
You must respond by mail.
translate un courrier
Leave a message on the answering machine.
translate un répondeur
Choose a password.
translate un mot de passe
I can't download the document.
translate télécharger
Have you logged on to the company website?
translate se connecter
Can you email this to me?
translate envoyer
You must provide your email address.
translate indiquer

Niveau 131

I need a new razor.
translate un rasoir
I need to buy some face cream.
translate de la crème
There is no comb here?
translate un peigne
Is there shampoo in the bathroom?
translate du shampoing
Excuse me, do you have a handkerchief?
translate un mouchoir
Do you ever wear perfume?
translate du parfum
I absolutely have to buy a hair dryer.
translate un sèche-cheveux

Niveau 132

You have to take the metro to get to the city hall.
translate une mairie
For your passport, you have to go to the consulate.
translate un consulat
For your driver's license, you have to go to the prefecture.
translate une préfecture
I need a birth certificate.
translate un certificat
What is your file number?
translate un dossier
He has to go to court the day after tomorrow.
translate un tribunal
You must contact your city hall.
translate s'adresser

Niveau 133

Do you have a medical problem?
translate médical
You must give a medical certificate to your employer.
translate un certificat médical
You should ask the pharmacist.
translate un pharmacien
It's best to ask a specialist.
translate un spécialiste
You need to make an appointment with a cardiologist.
translate un cardiologue
It's better to have a medical check-up.
translate une visite
Do you have the results of your blood test?
translate une prise de sang

Niveau 134

Listen carefully to the dialogue.
translate un dialogue
Is this a good answer?
translate une réponse
Want to discuss current events?
translate discuter
Can you explain this?
translate expliquer
The teacher accepted the student's response.
translate accepter
The professor refused the student's response.
translate refuser

Niveau 135

There is a big car factory near here.
translate une usine
In this city, there are no big companies.
translate une entreprise
This is a new clothing store.
translate un magasin
Do you shop at the mall?
translate un centre commercial
There are two farms at the entrance of the village.
translate une ferme
It is a very long bridge.
translate un pont

Niveau 136

They live in the Ile de France region.
translate une région
The Canadian territory is immense.
translate un territoire
Do you know anything about the geography of France?
translate la géographie
He likes to walk in the nature.
translate la nature
Are you interested in ecology?
translate l'écologie
The Pyrenees mark the border between Spain and France.
translate une frontière
Marseille is the capital of Provence.
translate une capitale
The Mercantour is a national park.
translate national
The Camargue is a regional natural park.
translate régional

Niveau 137

July 14th is the national holiday in France.
translate la fête nationale
This is an important event for the country.
translate un événement
There is the possibility of war.
translate une guerre
It is a crisis between two European countries.
translate une crise
This ecological problem is international.
translate international
There was a terrible plane crash.
translate terrible
Qatar is an extremely rich country.
translate riche
Madagascar is an extremely poor country.
translate pauvre

Niveau 138

The state gives money to families with children.
translate l'État
A law prohibits smoking in restaurants.
translate une loi
The mayor of Paris has a lot to do.
translate un maire
The Minister of Health visited a hospital.
translate un ministre
Members of Parliament have spoken with the President.
translate un député
There has been peace in Europe since 1945.
translate la paix
The French want more justice.
translate la justice

Niveau 139

This is a good book about French society.
translate la société
Macrosoft is a large computer company.
translate une société
This question should be asked of the administration.
translate une administration
The administration buys a lot of things.
translate acheter
This company sells all kinds of things.
translate vendre
The electricity company is public in this country.
translate public
Star System is a privately held American company.
translate privé

Niveau 140

Paul insisted on paying the restaurant bill.
translate insister
He thinks it's impossible.
translate impossible
I would like to know Philippe's opinion.
translate une opinion
Jean has a good knowledge of history.
translate des connaissances
An analysis of the situation must be made.
translate une analyse
I think it's a good idea.
translate croire
He knows the geography of France well.
translate connaître
I don't quite understand this exercise.
translate comprendre
I kind of forgot about school math.
translate oublier

Niveau 141

She is married since last year.
translate marié
He has been divorced for two years.
translate divorcé
They are separated and now it is better.
translate séparé
Charles has been dating Magalie for nine months.
translate sortir avec
Bruno and Pauline will get married in June.
translate se marier
I imagine they'll be divorced soon.
translate divorcer
They are both single.
translate célibataire

Niveau 142

It is necessary to cut ten centimeters.
translate un centimètre
Put the groceries on the table.
translate poser
One more meter is needed.
translate un mètre
Take the books off the table.
translate enlever
Can you lift 50 kilos?
translate un kilo
Can you carry this bag, please?
translate porter
You have to turn to open.
translate tourner
Can you lift the shelf an inch?
translate lever
The table must be lifted.
translate soulever
The shelves must be moved.
translate déplacer

Niveau 143

Louis' character is pleasant but his wife is not.
translate le caractère
I am afraid of the dark.
translate avoir peur
He was so sad that he cried.
translate pleurer
It was fun and we laughed a lot.
translate rire
He told us a very funny story.
translate drôle
He is very cheerful when he is with his friends.
translate gai
This teacher is always serious.
translate sérieux