Niveau 205

You have to do a lot of things before you get old!
translate vieux
Young people like to talk to each other on social networks.
translate un jeune
Teenagers need to play sports.
translate un adolescent
Adults are always thinking about work.
translate un adulte
Old people sleep less.
translate un vieux
Man exists thanks to nature.
translate exister

Niveau 206

Can you hear well? Is your perception good?
translate la perception
His grandfather is a bit hard of hearing.
translate un malentendant
Can you whistle with your fingers?
translate siffler
Marie's father is almost deaf.
translate sourd
This film has a good sound quality.
translate sonore
This little girl has a high-pitched voice.
translate aigu
This old man has a deep voice.
translate grave

Niveau 207

My feelings towards you are eternal.
translate envers
Little Louis is courageous, he works well at school.
translate courageux
I like Pascal very much because he is simple.
translate simple
Do you trust this girl?
translate de la confiance
One of his qualities is curiosity.
translate de la curiosité
Today the teacher is in a good mood.
translate de la bonne humeur
Our director is always optimistic.
translate optimiste
We must continue, we must not be pessimistic.
translate pessimiste
She always surprises me!
translate surprendre

Niveau 208

They live at the residence near the river.
translate une résidence
This is a large, new home.
translate un logement
Their apartment is on the first floor.
translate le rez-de-chaussée
She will stay in a hotel for two weeks.
translate loger
They moved to Paris in September.
translate emménager
They will leave their apartment in June.
translate quitter
It is a temporary accommodation, for two weeks.
translate provisoire

Niveau 209

There are drinks on the kitchen table.
translate une boisson
There is a grocery store at the end of the street.
translate de l'alimentation
There is coloring in this dessert.
translate un colorant
Are you cooking tomorrow?
translate faire la cuisine
Wait, I'll set the table.
translate mettre la table
I don't like it, it's too sweet.
translate sucré
Too bad, it's not salty enough.
translate salé
It is natural tuna, without sauce.
translate naturel

Niveau 210

Want to buy a cigar?
translate un cigare
Excuse me, do you know where there is a smoking area?
translate un espace fumeur
Can we smoke here?
translate fumer
He lit a cigarette in the restaurant.
translate allumer
She put out her cigarette before entering.
translate éteindre
Light cigarettes are not better for your health.
translate léger
She smokes strong cigarettes.
translate fort
Smoking is dangerous for your health.
translate dangereux

Niveau 211

Mail is delivered every morning.
translate une distribution
The letter carrier comes every day around 10 o'clock.
translate un facteur
I have to go to the post office to make a transfer.
translate un virement
This letter must be sent by registered mail.
translate un recommandé
Don't forget to put a stamp on the envelope.
translate coller
Don't forget to put the letter in the box this morning.
translate mettre à la boîte

Niveau 212

he shares an apartment with his half-brother.
translate un demi-frère
She goes on vacation with her half-sister.
translate une demi-sœur
He buys a gift for his parents in law.
translate des beaux-parents
François was orphaned at the age of eight.
translate un orphelin
He is five years older than his brother, he is the oldest.
translate un aîné
Last year Josephine had twins.
translate des jumeaux
The Bourgoins adopted a one-year-old girl.
translate adopter
The Dejeans raise five children.
translate élever

Niveau 213

Indonesia has an equatorial climate.
translate équatorial
Brazil has a large tropical forest.
translate tropical
The moon is not visible because of the clouds.
translate visible
The environment must be better protected.
translate l'environnement
It is impossible to live normally at the South Pole.
translate un pôle
The Tropic of Cancer is in the north.
translate un tropique
It is always hot at the equator.
translate l'équateur
I don't know where it is, you have to look on a map.
translate une carte
Dogs and cats are land animals.
translate terrestre
Polar bears are white.
translate polaire

Niveau 214

There is almost no price increase this year.
translate une hausse
There has been a drop in computer prices.
translate une baisse
Employment is always an important political issue.
translate l'emploi
In France we have the problem of unemployment.
translate le chômage
We must encourage the development of new energies.
translate le développement
There is almost no economic growth this year.
translate la croissance
Business leaders are often worried.
translate un chef d'entreprise
Employment is always an important political issue.
translate un sujet
France sells arms to certain countries.
translate certains

Niveau 215

He pays attention to his appearance.
translate une apparence
She has a calm demeanor.
translate un comportement
I really like his calm attitude.
translate une attitude
What size shoe do you wear?
translate une pointure
She has long blond hair.
translate des cheveux
He has been bald since he was twenty years old.
translate chauve
He is a tall man with a beard.
translate barbu
After twenty years we still grow up?
translate grandir

Niveau 216

The priest is in the church.
translate un prêtre
The imam is in the mosque.
translate un imam
The rabbi is in the synagogue.
translate un rabbin
They say a prayer every day.
translate une prière
Christians go to church.
translate un chrétien
Jews go to synagogue.
translate un juif
Muslims go to the mosque.
translate un musulman

Niveau 217

The life science teacher is very interesting.
translate les sciences de la vie
Physics classes are getting harder and harder.
translate la physique
The chemistry teacher is absent tomorrow.
translate la chimie
There are no music classes in high school.
translate la musique
There are no drawing classes in high school.
translate le dessin
It is good to learn a foreign language in elementary school.
translate une langue étrangère
The history teacher will not be able to do the entire program.
translate un programme
I thought the dictation was long!
translate une dictée

Niveau 218

Do farmers work less in winter?
translate un agriculteur
He wants to become a business lawyer.
translate un avocat
Do you know a good dentist in the neighborhood?
translate un dentiste
What newspaper do you work for as a journalist?
translate un journaliste
We need a technician to solve this internet connection problem.
translate un technicien
He is a worker in a factory that makes cakes.
translate un ouvrier
Many teachers are civil servants.
translate un fonctionnaire

Niveau 219

How many players does it take to make it interesting?
translate un joueur
Shall we play a game after lunch?
translate une partie
Do you like card games?
translate un jeu de cartes
I don't like gambling very much.
translate un jeu de hasard
Dimitri plays chess with his brother.
translate les échecs
Lea's mom bought dominoes.
translate les dominos
Do you know the rule of the game?
translate une règle du jeu

Niveau 220

It is possible to do a car wash in this service station.
translate un lavage
You need oil for the car.
translate de l'huile
Are you going to change the tires soon?
translate un pneu
The car must be repaired as soon as possible.
translate réparer
The car does not work anymore!
translate marcher