Niveau 304

There are eighteen candidates for this election.
translate un candidat

Niveau 305

The purchasing power of the French has increased significantly over the past fifty years.
translate le pouvoir d'achat
The country still wants to invest in transportation.
translate les transports
Many companies are in the service industry.
translate les services
The banking sector is growing.
translate la banque
France produces fewer cars than Germany.
translate produire
Businesses used less electricity than last year.
translate consommer
The sharing of wealth is also a social issue.
translate social

Niveau 306

The atmosphere is tense because of a security problem.
translate tendu
I sometimes have negative thoughts.
translate une pensée
Men are not always rational.
translate rationnel
The teacher's explanations are too theoretical.
translate théorique
Electricity has many practical applications.
translate pratique
What he says does not always make sense.
translate logique
What he says is very concrete.
translate concret
What he says is very abstract.
translate abstrait

Niveau 307

The function of the eyes is to see.
translate une fonction
Digestion takes several hours.
translate la digestion
The stomach has a digestive function.
translate digestif
The lungs have a respiratory function.
translate respiratoire
The joints allow for easy movement.
translate les articulations

Niveau 308

His face has a calm appearance.
translate un aspect
She has very light skin.
translate la peau
Tanning is no longer in fashion, right?
translate le bronzage
He has brown eyes and brown hair.
translate châtain
She has long straight hair.
translate raide
He has light eyes and gray hair.
translate gris
The color of his face is pale.
translate pâle
He is disabled following a car accident.
translate handicapé

Niveau 309

He is leaning over the table.
translate penché
It is lowered to pass under the table.
translate baissé
She has been motionless for several seconds.
translate immobile
He can touch his feet, he is flexible.
translate souple
He can't touch his feet, he's stiff.
translate raide
I leaned out the window to see the car.
translate se pencher
I fell down but I got up right away.
translate se relever
You have to jump to hit the ceiling.
translate sauter

Niveau 310

I would like to send a package by mail.
translate un envoi
You must grip the racket with your right hand.
translate saisir
You have to remove the SIM card from your smartphone.
translate retirer
Hot water should be poured into the bathtub.
translate verser
The bathtub should be filled with hot water.
translate remplir
Do you want to take the washing machine apart?
translate démonter
I threw the ball as far as I could.
translate lancer

Niveau 311

He can't see well, he is visually impaired.
translate un malvoyant
He likes bright colors.
translate brillant
I have a good visual memory: if I can see, I can remember.
translate visuel
Laura became blind at the age of eight.
translate aveugle
From here, you can see the Eiffel Tower.
translate apercevoir

Niveau 312

The death of his friend caused him grief.
translate du chagrin
This crime against a child provokes disgust.
translate du dégoût
This new failure caused him to despair.
translate du désespoir
He says everything he thinks, he is direct.
translate direct
He has been fearful since childhood.
translate peureux
She feels sad about the death of her cat.
translate ressentir
After these emotions, it is necessary to calm down.
translate se calmer

Niveau 313

She showed a lot of kindness to her mother.
translate de la gentillesse
He is in a bad mood today!
translate de la mauvaise humeur
There is jealousy in this couple.
translate de la jalousie
The waiters in this restaurant are all friendly.
translate aimable
The salesman in this store is smiling.
translate souriant
Jacques' behavior shocked the whole family.
translate choquer
His wife has put up with his bad temper for twenty years!
translate supporter

Niveau 314

He takes pride in the social success of his children.
translate de la fierté
He showed generosity to his friends.
translate de la générosité
Is he a man who often shows nastiness?
translate de la méchanceté
She sometimes behaves selfishly.
translate égoïste
She is an energetic and optimistic woman.
translate énergique
He is worried because he has money problems.
translate inquiet
His stories are very entertaining for children.
translate amuser

Niveau 315

I will introduce you to Mrs. Gobert.
translate des présentations
He is named after his mother.
translate porter le nom
She took her husband's name.
translate prendre le nom
She kept her maiden name.
translate garder le nom
Can I check your name?
translate vérifier

Niveau 316

It is a passage with furniture stores and cafes.
translate un passage
Celine is reading in a square.
translate un square
He lives not far from the quay of the Seine.
translate un quai
This small and quiet street is a dead end.
translate une impasse
She lives in a town with a population of about 100.
translate une commune
Paulin has been living in Paris for two years.
translate résider
This letter should be addressed to Mr. Dupuy.
translate adresser

Niveau 317

Foreigners need a residence permit.
translate une carte de séjour
You can pay the doctor with your Vitale card.
translate une carte Vitale
I need a photocopy of the family record book.
translate un livret de famille
You must provide a photocopy of your passport.
translate fournir
You can pick up this document at your local city hall.
translate retirer
The police asked me to show my driver's license.
translate présenter

Niveau 318

They go to mass on Sundays.
translate une messe
There is a wedding ceremony in the church.
translate une cérémonie
This is a Buddhist tradition.
translate bouddhiste
This is a Catholic tradition.
translate catholique
It is a Hindu tradition.
translate hindouiste
It is an atheist tradition.
translate athée
He prays because he believes in God.
translate prier

Niveau 319

I'm going to see a play on campus.
translate un campus
Marlene has a room in the university residence in Dijon.
translate une cité universitaire
It's not very expensive in university restaurants.
translate un restaurant universitaire
Shall we meet in the university cafeteria?
translate une cafétéria
See you at the university gym?
translate un gymnase
I have a lecture hall class this afternoon.
translate un amphithéâtre

Niveau 320

Do you have a black marker please?
translate un feutre
I put the documents in a binder.
translate un classeur
I forgot my French textbook.
translate un manuel
There is a video projector in each classroom.
translate un vidéoprojecteur
All students were present this morning.
translate présent
The French teacher was absent this morning.
translate absent
Theo missed three days of class due to illness.
translate manquer

Niveau 321

He works in the automotive sector.
translate l'automobile
In which sector do you work?
translate un secteur
She has been working in education for five years.
translate l'enseignement
Do you work in the public sector?
translate le public
Do you work in the private sector?
translate le privé
Are you in business?
translate les affaires
He would like to work in the administration.
translate l'administration
He has worked in agriculture all his life.
translate l'agriculture

Niveau 322

She signed her employment contract.
translate un contrat
The employees of this company have three weeks of vacation in August.
translate un salarié
She is studying to work in the health field.
translate des études
He must undergo a one-month training before starting.
translate une formation