Niveau 340

He suffered a small injury to his hand.
translate une blessure
I've had a cold for three days.
translate enrhumé
You need to do some physical activity to be healthy.
translate être en bonne santé
Noémie is feverish since this morning.
translate fiévreux
Are you doing well today?
translate aller bien
You need to take your temperature before going to school.
translate prendre sa température

Niveau 341

Mrs. Dupuy receives a pension of 800 euros per month.
translate une pension
Can you give me your social security number?
translate un numéro de sécurité sociale
In France, a care sheet is like a bill.
translate une feuille de soins
His fall down the stairs was a work-related accident.
translate un accident du travail
She was given a one-month leave of absence from work.
translate un arrêt de travail
I reported my accident to my insurance.
translate déclarer
My insurance will pay me 200 euros.
translate verser

Niveau 342

What is your wife's profession?
translate une épouse
It's a family problem.
translate familial
It costs a lot to educate children.
translate éduquer
Hélène lost her father in January of this year.
translate perdre
Philippe fell in love with an Australian woman.
translate tomber amoureux
Charline and Louis will get engaged in July.
translate se fiancer

Niveau 343

The journalist has framed dishonest banks.
translate piéger
He was praised by his teachers.
translate des félicitations
She asked her parents for permission.
translate une permission
It is not the writer who speaks, it is his character.
translate un écrivain
He confessed that he hid his brother's bag.
translate avouer
She guessed that the man was lying.
translate deviner
He exaggerated by not coming this morning.
translate exagérer
We wrote a letter of response to the director.
translate rédiger

Niveau 344

Spiders are useful in nature.
translate une araignée
There are tuna in the Mediterranean.
translate un thon
The rays live in the bottom of the sea.
translate une raie
The tiger lives in Asia but not in Africa.
translate un tigre
Crocodiles live in warm areas.
translate un crocodile
My cat meows when he is hungry.
translate miauler
Can you hear the cows mooing?
translate meugler
We adopted a little cat.
translate adopter

Niveau 345

Matt has a very logical mind.
translate un esprit
It's an easy reasoning to understand.
translate un raisonnement
He asked for a week's reflection before making his decision.
translate une réflexion
She came to the conclusion that it is impossible.
translate une conclusion
We should not make too easy generalizations.
translate une généralisation
He must prove that he knows his job well.
translate prouver
They want to experiment with vegetarianism.
translate expérimenter

Niveau 346

Are all human beings born equal?
translate un être humain
We are young until 27 years?
translate jeune
The teenage period can be difficult.
translate adolescent
She became a sportswoman as an adult.
translate adulte
Love is a universal feeling.
translate universel
All individuals have rights.
translate un individu

Niveau 347

I hit my forehead on the door!
translate le front
He has a lot of hair on his arms.
translate un poil
She writes her messages with her thumbs.
translate le pouce
She has very long nails.
translate un ongle
He feels a pain in his chest.
translate la poitrine
He hurt his buttocks when he fell down the stairs.
translate les fesses
At school we study reproduction.
translate la reproduction
Breathing is a vital function.
translate vital

Niveau 348

This medical breakthrough brings hope to his family.
translate de l'espoir
Men must respect women.
translate respecter
You have to be tolerant with people who don't have the same religion.
translate tolérant
She is a quiet woman who often stays at home.
translate tranquille
He is a violent man who drinks a lot of alcohol.
translate violent
Olivier is jealous of his colleague's new car.
translate jaloux

Niveau 349

Shyness is a problem for public speaking.
translate de la timidité
His father has tenderness for his children.
translate de la tendresse
Each time, she leaves her father with regret.
translate du regret
She felt satisfied when she passed her exam.
translate de la satisfaction
His accident caused a lot of concern.
translate de l'inquiétude
He is a nice and discreet man.
translate discret

Niveau 350

The Atlas are Moroccan mountains.
translate marocain
Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia.
translate indonésien
Lake Saint-Jean is a Canadian lake.
translate canadien
The Amazon is a huge Brazilian river.
translate brésilien
The Acropolis is a famous Greek monument.
translate grec
Istanbul is a beautiful Turkish city.
translate turc

Niveau 351

The children eat in the school canteen.
translate une cantine
The students in the class have a Spanish pen pal.
translate un correspondant
The student with the math teacher is an intern.
translate un stagiaire
Sports are mandatory in college.
translate obligatoire
The list of elective courses is on the Internet.
translate au choix
My math teacher has a Saturday morning class.
translate faire cours
Léa is taking a psychology course at the university.
translate suivre un cours

Niveau 352

The reception is open until 5 pm.
translate l'accueil
I change in the factory locker room.
translate un vestiaire
He has been working in the business since September.
translate le commerce
He has been working in the communication department since last year.
translate la communication
He studied to work in finance.
translate la finance
He is an engineer in the automotive industry.
translate l'industrie
He studied to work in advertising.
translate la publicité
Joséphine works in a home services company.
translate les services

Niveau 353

There is a meeting on the executive floor.
translate la direction
He found a three-month assignment in a factory.
translate une mission
He found a part-time job at Peugeot.
translate un travail à temps partiel
She finds that her working conditions are good.
translate des conditions de travail
Is there a lot of stress in your job?
translate du stress
She is registered with a temporary employment agency.
translate temporaire
He would really like to find a stable job.
translate stable

Niveau 354

The employers want liberal economic reforms.
translate le patronat
The steward speaks with the director.
translate un délégué syndical
Jean Delevigne was elected as a staff representative.
translate un représentant du personnel
The works council offers a nice trip to the employees.
translate un comité d'entreprise
He had a work accident while assembling a piece of furniture.
translate un accident du travail
There will be twenty layoffs in this company.
translate un licenciement
Sylvie is off work for three days.
translate un arrêt de travail
The union is demanding a pay raise.
translate réclamer

Niveau 355

What do you do in your free time?
translate du temps libre
Do you have any hobbies?
translate des loisirs
I borrowed two books from the media library.
translate une médiathèque
My little brother is collecting stamps.
translate une collection
This program gathers one million viewers.
translate un téléspectateur
This soccer stadium can accommodate fifty thousand spectators.
translate un spectateur
I'm not a great sportsman but I run a little.
translate un sportif
My father likes to garden a lot.
translate jardiner
Every weekend, Mr. Brown works at home.
translate bricoler

Niveau 356

We went for a walk around the lake.
translate une balade
We had a picnic by the lake.
translate un pique-nique
The walkers discuss while walking.
translate un promeneur
Campers get up early in the morning.
translate un campeur
I forgot the camera in the car.
translate un appareil photo
Could we have a picnic by the river?
translate pique-niquer

Niveau 357

Have you seen the trailer of Luc Besson's latest movie?
translate une bande-annonce