Niveau 374

In this company, my contact is a forty-year-old woman.
translate un interlocuteur
Stéphane summarized the situation well.
translate résumer
This politician lied to journalists.
translate mentir
Politicians argue about economic issues.
translate se disputer
The mother reminds her son that he must do his homework.
translate rappeler
The school principal approves the teacher's decision.
translate approuver

Niveau 375

The globe has a circumference of 40,000 km.
translate un globe
The Canadian territory is divided into ten provinces.
translate une province
In which department were you born?
translate un département
Filipino fruits are delicious.
translate philippin
Algiers is the capital of Algeria.
translate algérien
Tacos are a Mexican specialty.
translate mexicain
Warsaw is the capital of Poland.
translate polonais

Niveau 376

The capital of Belgium is Brussels.
translate la Belgique
Austria is east of Switzerland.
translate l'Autriche
There are three capital cities in South Africa.
translate l'Afrique du Sud
Mongolia is in the north of China.
translate la Mongolie
Douala is the largest city in Cameroon.
translate le Cameroun
Australia is both a country and a continent.
translate l'Australie
The capital of New Zealand is Wellington.
translate la Nouvelle-Zélande

Niveau 377

By train, London is less than two hours from Paris.
translate Londres
By plane, Rome is less than two hours from Paris.
translate Rome
By plane, Beijing is about ten hours from Paris.
translate Pékin
By plane, Moscow is three and a half hours from Paris.
translate Moscou
By plane, Cairo is a little more than five hours from Paris.
translate Le Caire
By train, Barcelona is just over six hours from Paris.
translate Barcelone
By plane, Athens is about four hours from Paris.
translate Athènes

Niveau 378

There has been a positive evolution in relations between the two countries.
translate une évolution
There is a change in the relationship between the two countries.
translate un changement
In this country, the revolution took place against the dictatorship.
translate une révolution
It is a nationwide grassroots movement.
translate national
It is a popular movement on a regional scale.
translate régional
The workers want to go on strike next week.
translate faire grève
The population is demonstrating against unemployment and the high cost of living.
translate manifester

Niveau 379

In the street, there are posters for the elections.
translate une affiche
The candidates have different opinions.
translate une opinion
The members of the majority voted for the law.
translate la majorité
Opposition members did not vote for the law.
translate l'opposition
The election campaign begins this week.
translate électoral
All candidates appear on television.
translate se présenter
The socialist candidate was defeated.
translate battre

Niveau 380

The minister says it's an injustice.
translate une injustice
People think there is too much inequality in society.
translate une inégalité
The media talks a lot about security.
translate la sécurité
The fight against poverty should be a priority.
translate la misère
Democracies do not go to war with each other.
translate la guerre
It is difficult to govern countries in crisis.
translate gouverner
The government wants to reform the pension system.
translate réformer

Niveau 381

She is not aware of her talent.
translate avoir conscience
The director gave a positive assessment of our work.
translate un jugement
He has several arguments against this project.
translate un argument
The meaning of life is a philosophical question.
translate philosophique
We need to think about our future.
translate réfléchir
From this conversation, I deduce that our project is good.
translate déduire
He generalizes and says that everyone likes sports.
translate généraliser

Niveau 382

The player sent the ball across the field.
translate envoyer
The battery must be inserted into the device.
translate introduire
It's an old watch, it needs to be wound.
translate remonter
Wrap the gift in paper.
translate envelopper
The coin rolled under the car.
translate rouler
The screws of the furniture must be tightened.
translate serrer
I'll untie the dog so he can run.
translate détacher

Niveau 383

The professor showed understanding for the student.
translate de la compréhension
He had a breakdown following his dismissal.
translate une dépression
I was not well and she spoke to me gently.
translate de la douceur
This child is affectionate with his mother.
translate affectueux
Jeanne is a rather complicated young woman.
translate compliqué
Paul gets upset when he's in traffic.
translate énervé
Yannis works hard not to disappoint his father.
translate décevoir

Niveau 384

By eating all the cakes, Aurelie showed her selfishness.
translate de l'égoïsme
The news caused astonishment among the people present.
translate de l'étonnement
There is madness in the eyes of this writer.
translate de la folie
Jacques has studied well and is confident about his exam.
translate confiant
Michel is desperate because this is the third time he has failed his driving test.
translate désespéré
We saw the massacre on TV and we are outraged.
translate révolté
Valerie suffered from the meanness of her classmates.
translate souffrir

Niveau 385

My passport was at the police station.
translate un commissariat de police
I reported the loss of my driver's license to the police.
translate une perte
My passport issue date is April 16, 2017.
translate une date d'émission
My driver's license is valid for five years.
translate une date de validité
Your company issues a work certificate.
translate délivrer

Niveau 386

The history teacher gave a written quiz.
translate une interrogation
This morning the physics teacher did some revision.
translate une révision
Maxime is taking competitive exams to enter an engineering school.
translate un concours
There are three written tests in this exam.
translate une épreuve
I have an English paper next week.
translate un écrit
I have a French oral next week.
translate un oral
Do you have your final exam results?
translate un résultat

Niveau 387

I have an appointment with the personnel department.
translate un service du personnel
Philippe has resigned from the director.
translate une démission
Are you looking at job offers on the Internet?
translate une offre d'emploi
I sent a letter of application to a large company.
translate une demande d'emploi
The car factory will lay off fifty employees.
translate licencier

Niveau 388

The trade unions will meet tomorrow.
translate une organisation syndicale
Is there a negotiation on wages?
translate une négociation
A wage agreement has been signed.
translate un accord
The workers demonstrated by distributing leaflets.
translate manifester
The workers stopped work for an hour.
translate arrêter le travail
The workers returned to work at 10 am.
translate reprendre le travail

Niveau 389

There are two performances of this play, at three and eight o'clock.
translate une représentation
It is an opera that lasts an hour and a half.
translate un opéra
I would like to have seats near the stage.
translate une scène
Is it better to make a reservation?
translate une réservation
The director directs the actors.
translate un metteur en scène
The director talks about the film with specialized journalists.
translate un réalisateur

Niveau 390

I would like to see this film in subtitled version.
translate une version sous-titrée
Many people have satellite television.
translate un satellite
What do you prefer, a movie or a series?
translate une série
Jules would like to work in the audiovisual industry, particularly as a sound engineer.
translate audiovisuel
The Paris-Barcelona soccer match is live on TV.
translate direct
International news is often the first part.
translate international
There is a media curiosity about the lives of famous people.
translate médiatique

Niveau 391

Do you have a home in Paris?
translate un domicile
I live on the first floor of the building.
translate le rez-de-chaussée
There is seating in the lobby of the building.
translate un hall
Hello, I am at the entrance of the building.
translate une entrée
Do you know the building code?
translate un code
Do you see where the doorbell is?
translate une sonnette

Niveau 392

My jacket is on the couch.
translate un divan
There are fruit juices in the refrigerator.
translate un réfrigérateur