A1.3 Frequency adverbs: Souvent, toujours, jamais, de temps en temps

Frequency adverbs in French are used to express the regularity or frequency at which actions or events occur. Among the most common are often, always, never, and from time to time. They are often placed after the conjugated verb.

Usage examples in the present tense (présent de l'indicatif)

  • Je vais souvent au cinéma le week-end. (I often go to the cinema on weekends.)
  • Il arrive toujours en retard. (He always arrives late.)
  • Elle ne mange jamais de viande. (She never eats meat.)
  • Nous allons de temps en temps au musée. (We go to the museum from time to time.)

Position of frequency adverbs

The position of these adverbs can vary slightly depending on the verb and the structure of the sentence:

  • In an affirmative sentence, they are generally placed after the conjugated verb:
    • Je mange souvent au restaurant. (I often eat at the restaurant.)
    • Elle ne va pas souvent au cinéma. (She doesn't go to the cinema often.)
    • Elle a toujours aimé lire. (She has always loved to read.)
    • Je suis souvent allé à Lyon. (I have often gone to Lyon.)
    • Le matin, il veut toujours boire du café. (In the morning, he always wants to drink coffee.)
  • In a negative sentence, "jamais" replaces "pas": Il ne parle pas jamais en classe. (He never speaks in class.)
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