A1.3 Bon 🆚 bien

Tips for Distinguishing "Bon" and "Bien"

To choose between "bon" and "bien", determine whether the word to modify is a noun (use "bon") or if it is a verb, an adjective, or another adverb (use "bien").

Bon (Adjective)

"Bon" is used to qualify nouns and expresses the quality, aptitude, or suitability of something or someone.

  • Ce gâteau est vraiment bon. (This cake is really good.)
  • C'est un bon film. (It's a good movie.)
  • Ils ont un bon niveau en anglais. (They have a good level of English.)

Bien (Adverb)

"Bien" is used to modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs, indicating manner, degree, or judgment.

  • Elle parle bien anglais. (She speaks English well.)
  • Cet acteur joue bien. (This actor acts well.)
  • Nous aimons bien ce restaurant. (We really like this restaurant.)
  • Après le sport, je suis bien fatigué. (After sports, I am really tired.)

Tip to Avoid Confusion

To determine whether you should use bon or bien, try replacing the word with "mauvais" (bad) or "mal" (badly). If "mauvais" fits, then the correct word is bon. If "mal" fits, then the correct word is bien.

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