A2.1 Comparatives: Plus (More), Moins (Less), Aussi (As), Autant (As Much)

The words "plus", "moins", "aussi", and "autant" are used to compare elements in terms of quantity, quality, degree, or intensity. Their usage varies depending on whether they modify a noun, a verb, an adjective, or an adverb.

Used with a Noun

  • Plus de + noun : Il a plus de livres que moi. (He has more books than me.)
  • Moins de + noun : Elle a moins de patience que sa sœur. (She has less patience than her sister.)
  • Autant de + noun : Nous avons autant de chances de gagner. (We have as much chance to win.)

Used with a Verb

  • Plus : Elle travaille plus maintenant. (She works more now.)
  • Moins : Il sort moins souvent. (He goes out less often.)
  • Autant : Il étudie autant que l'an dernier. (He studies as much as last year.)

Used with an Adjective

  • Plus + adjective : Ce chemin est plus court. (This path is shorter.)
  • Moins + adjective : Ce film est moins intéressant. (This movie is less interesting.)
  • Aussi + adjective : Elle est aussi grande que lui. (She is as tall as him.)

Used with an Adverb

  • Plus + adverb : Il court plus vite. (He runs faster.)
  • Moins + adverb : Elle parle moins clairement. (She speaks less clearly.)
  • Aussi + adverb : Il chante aussi bien que son frère. (He sings as well as his brother.)

Usage Tips

To choose correctly between "plus", "moins", "aussi", and "autant", it is crucial to determine the element of the sentence you want to compare. The nature of this element (noun, verb, adjective, adverb) will determine the appropriate comparative and its correct construction in the sentence.

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