A1.2 Politeness Conditional of Verbs vouloir and aimer

The conditional is often used in French to express politeness, especially with the verbs vouloir and aimer. This form provides hedging and therefore softens requests or makes them less direct, which is perceived as more polite and respectful.

Politeness conditional with "vouloir"

  • Je voudrais un café. (I would like a cup of coffee.)
  • Il/Elle voudrait voyager en Europe. (He/She would like to travel to Europe.)

Politeness conditional with "aimer"

  • J'aimerais visiter Paris. (I would like to visit Paris.)
  • Tu aimerais essayer ce nouveau restaurant ? (Would you like to try this new restaurant?)
  • Il/Elle aimerait lire ce livre. (He/She would like to read this book.)

Using vouloir and aimer in the conditional form makes interactions more pleasant and respectful.

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