A1.1 Declarative Sentence: C'est, Il y a

The expressions "c'est" and "il y a" are frequently used in French. They are used to introduce or identify people or objects, or to express the existence of something.


The expression C'est is used to identify or define something or someone.

  • C'est un bon film. (It's a good movie.)
  • C'est ma sœur. (It's my sister.)
  • C'est intéressant. (It's interesting.)

Il y a

The expression Il y a is used to indicate the presence or existence of something or someone.

  • Il y a un chat dans le jardin. (There is a cat in the garden.)
  • Il y a beaucoup de gens ici. (There are a lot of people here.)
  • Il y a trois chaises dans la salle. (There are three chairs in the room.)
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