A1.3 The Connector Donc

The connector Donc is a marker of causality and consequence.
Usage and Function

Donc is used to introduce a conclusion or a consequence that directly stems from the information or facts stated previously. It is often used to strengthen an argument or clarify reasoning.

  • Il pleut beaucoup, donc les rues sont mouillées. (It's raining heavily, so the streets are wet.)
  • Elle est allergique aux fraises, donc elle ne mange pas de tarte aux fraises. (She is allergic to strawberries, so she doesn't eat strawberry pie.)
  • Il est tard, donc nous devons rentrer. (It's late, so we must go home.)
Position in the Sentence

Donc can be placed at the beginning of a clause to highlight the consequence, or it can appear within the sentence for a smoother connection.

  • Je suis fatigué, donc je vais me coucher tôt. (I'm tired, so I'm going to bed early.)
  • Je suis fatigué et je vais donc me coucher tôt. (I'm tired and thus I'm going to bed early.)
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