A1.2 The Pronoun "Ça" with "Aimer", "Adorer", "Détester" for Activities and Things to Eat

The pronoun ça, a contraction of cela, is frequently used in French with verbs that express taste, preferences, or opinions. "Ça" is often used with the verbs aimer, adorer, préférer, and détester.


  • - Tu aimes aller au cinéma le week-end ?
    - Oui, j'aime ça.
  • (- Do you like going to the cinema on weekends?
    - Yes, I like it.)
  • - Elle aime faire de la randonnée ?
    - Oui, elle adore ça.
  • (- Does she like hiking?
    - Yes, she loves it.)
  • - Vous aimez prendre le métro le matin à 8 heures ?
    - Non, nous détestons ça.
  • (- Do you like taking the subway at 8 o'clock in the morning?
    - No, we hate it.)

Things to eat

  • Le chocolat ? J'adore ça !
  • (Chocolate? I love it!)
  • -Tu aimes la coriandre ?
    - Oui, moi j'aime bien ça, mais je sais que certaines personnes n'aiment pas ça.
  • (- Do you like coriander?
    - Yes, I quite like it, but I know some people don't like it.)
  • - Vous voulez du café ?
    - Non merci, je n'aime pas ça.
  • (- Would you like some coffee?
    - No thanks, I don't like it.)
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