A1.3 The adverbs of quantity: Trop, très, assez

The adverbs of quantity trop (too much), très (very), and assez (enough) are useful for expressing degrees of intensity or quantity in French. They can modify verbs, adjectives, or nouns. When they modify a noun, articles may change form. Example: du temps → trop de temps (some time → too much time)

Examples with verbs

  • Elle parle trop vite. (She speaks too quickly.)
  • Il mange très lentement. (He eats very slowly.)
  • Nous travaillons assez bien ensemble. (We work quite well together.)

Examples with adjectives

  • Cette soupe est trop salée. (This soup is too salty.)
  • Le film était très intéressant. (The movie was very interesting.)
  • La tâche semble assez difficile. (The task seems quite difficult.)

Examples with nouns

When modifying a noun, trop and assez lead to the use of the partitive article de, while très is generally not used directly with nouns.

  • Il a trop de travail. (He has too much work.)
  • Elle a assez d'énergie pour continuer. (She has enough energy to continue.)
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