A1.2 The Connectors Et, Mais, Aussi

Connectors Are Used to Link Ideas

Connectors are used to link ideas within a sentence or between sentences, thereby facilitating understanding and the flow of discourse. et, mais, and aussi are among the most frequently used connectors in French.


The connector et indicates addition or continuation.

  • Elle aime les chats et les chiens. (She likes cats and dogs.)
  • Il a acheté du pain et du lait. (He bought bread and milk.)
  • Il pleut et il fait froid. (It's raining and it's cold.)


The connector mais expresses an opposition or a contradiction.

  • Elle est petite, mais elle est forte. (She is small, but she is strong.)
  • Je voudrais sortir, mais il pleut. (I would like to go out, but it's raining.)
  • Il est riche, mais malheureux. (He is rich, but unhappy.)


Aussi is used to express agreement or add similar information.

  • - J'aime lire.
    - Moi aussi.

    (- I like reading.
    - Me too.)
  • Elle est intelligente et lui aussi, il est intelligent. (She is intelligent and him too, he is intelligent.)
  • - Ils veulent apprendre le français.
    - Nous aussi.

    (- They want to learn French.
    - Us too.)
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