A1.3 The second group verbs

The second group verbs in French are those that end with -ir in the infinitive and whose third person plural conjugation ends with -issent. For example, choisir (to choose): ils choisissent (they choose).

Conjugation in the Indicative Present

The conjugation of second group verbs in the present indicative follows this pattern:

  • Je -is
  • Tu -is
  • Il/Elle -it
  • Nous -issons
  • Vous -issez
  • Ils/Elles -issent


  • Finir: je finis, tu finis, il finit, nous finissons, vous finissez, ils finissent
  • Choisir: je choisis, tu choisis, il choisit, nous choisissons, vous choisissez, ils choisissent

List of 2nd Group Verbs

Finir, choisir, réfléchir (to think), grandir (to grow), établir (to establish), vieillir (to age), réfléchir (to think), grossir (to gain weight), agrandir (to enlarge), rougir (to blush), noircir (to blacken), blanchir (to whiten), jaunir (to yellow), bleuir (to turn blue), verdir (to turn green).

It is often possible to form a second group verb by using an adjective as a base:

  • Rouge (red) → Rougir (to turn red)
  • Vieux (old) → Vieillir (to age)
  • Jeune (young) → Rajeunir (to rejuvenate)
  • Blanc (white) → Blanchir (to whiten)
  • Froid (cold) → Refroidir (to cool down)