A1.2 Plus 🆚 Moins

The adverbs "plus" and "moins" are used to modify the intensity or degree of an action expressed by a verb, allowing for comparisons, or to emphasize variation in intensity.

Use of "Plus"

"Plus" is used to indicate an increase in intensity or quantity of the action depicted by the verb.

  • Je travaille plus cette semaine. (I work more this week.)
  • Elle parle plus clairement maintenant. (She speaks more clearly now.)
  • Ils mangent plus sainement. (They eat more healthy.)

Use of "Moins"

"Moins" indicates a decrease in the intensity or quantity of the action depicted by the verb.

  • Je dors moins quand je suis stressé. (I sleep less when I'm stressed.)
  • Elle étudie moins cette année. (She studies less this year.)
  • Nous sortons moins en hiver. (We go out less in winter.)
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