A1.3 Qui 🆚 Que

Relative pronouns allow linking sentences to create longer sentences and sentences that contain more information.


"Qui" is used as the subject of the verb that follows.
  • Un homme parle. C'est mon professeur. → L'homme qui parle est mon professeur. (A man is speaking. He is my teacher. → The man who speaks is my teacher.)
  • Il y a un livre sur la table. Ce livre est intéressant. → Le livre qui est sur la table est intéressant. (There is a book on the table. This book is interesting. → The book that is on the table is interesting.)
  • Une société a embauché Marie. Cette société est internationale. → La société qui a embauché Marie est internationale. (A company hired Marie. This company is international. → The company that hired Marie is international.)


"Que" is used as the object of the verb that follows.
  • Tu vois un homme. C'est mon frère → L'homme que tu vois est mon frère. (You see a man. He is my brother → The man whom you see is my brother.)
  • Nous avons regardé un film. Ce film était captivant. → Le film que nous avons regardé était captivant. (We watched a movie. This movie was captivating. → The movie that we watched was captivating.)
  • Marie chante une chanson. C'est une chanson populaire. → La chanson que Marie chante est populaire. (Marie is singing a song. It is a popular song. → The song that Marie sings is popular.)
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