A1.2 Verbs: Presentation of the 3 Groups

The French language classifies its verbs into three main groups according to the ending of their infinitive forms and their conjugations. This classification helps identify conjugation patterns and facilitates learning.

First Group: -er Verbs

The first group includes verbs whose infinitive ends in -er, with the exception of aller. These verbs follow a regular conjugation pattern.


to sing (chanter), to speak (parler), to give (donner), to love (aimer)

Conjugation in the present indicative of parler:

  • je parle
  • tu parles
  • il/elle parle
  • nous parlons
  • vous parlez
  • ils/elles parlent

Second Group: -ir Verbs

The second group consists of verbs ending in -ir that form their present participle in -issant. These verbs have a relatively regular conjugation pattern.


to finish (finir), to choose (choisir), to grow (grandir), to blush (rougir), to yellow (jaunir), to blacken (noircir) and many verbs formed from adjectives.

Conjugation in the present indicative of finir:

  • je finis
  • tu finis
  • il/elle finit
  • nous finissons
  • vous finissez
  • ils/elles finissent

Third Group: Irregular Verbs

The third group includes all other verbs. These verbs have irregular conjugations.

Some examples you might already know: to leave (partir), to see (voir), to take (prendre), to be (être), to have (avoir), to go (aller)


Some examples you might already know: to leave (partir), to see (voir), to take (prendre), to be (être), to have (avoir), to go (aller)

  • je pars
  • tu pars
  • il/elle part
  • nous partons
  • vous partez
  • ils/elles partent
  • je vois
  • tu vois
  • il/elle voit
  • nous voyons
  • vous voyez
  • ils/elles voient
  • je prends
  • tu prends
  • il/elle prend
  • nous prenons
  • vous prenez
  • ils/elles prennent
  • je suis
  • tu es
  • il/elle est
  • nous sommes
  • vous êtes
  • ils/elles sont
  • j'ai
  • tu as
  • il/elle a
  • nous avons
  • vous avez
  • ils/elles ont
  • je vais
  • tu vas
  • il/elle va
  • nous allons
  • vous allez
  • ils/elles vont