Niveau 24
I like Paul's house.
There is a big kitchen in our house.
Leo lives in a house, do you?
une maison
Marie lives in an apartment, but Leo lives in a house.
un appartement
The kitchen of the house is large.
une cuisine
The bathroom of the apartment is small.
une salle de bain
The toilet is next to the bathroom.
des toilettes
There is no garden but there is a balcony.
un jardin
It's twenty-five euros, please.
It is his birthday, he is twenty-six years old.
It is Monday, September twenty-seventh.
Niveau 25
They do not eat sugar.
The cheese is in the kitchen.
du fromage
Butter is two euros.
du beurre
Buy six yoghurts, please.
du yaourt
Pass me the salt, please.
du sel
Pass me the pepper, please.
du poivre
For dessert, there is a cake.
un gâteau
Buy some sugar, please.
du sucre
Niveau 26
Their children are students in Lyon.
I don't know this person.
une personne
Do you know this man?
un homme
Do you know this woman?
une femme
Here, people are nice.
des gens
She has two children.
un enfant
I was born in 2001, and you?
His grandfather is alive.
His grandfather died.
Niveau 27
This is the human body.
le corps
I have a headache.
la tête
Do your eyes hurt?
les yeux
She has a small mouth.
la bouche
He has a toothache.
les dents
He has a very large nose.
le nez
My ears hurt.
les oreilles
Niveau 28
Let's get some juice, shall we?
I am thirsty, I would like a drink.
une boisson
She likes coffee but hates milk.
du lait
He does not drink alcohol.
de l'alcool
I like fruit juices.
du jus de fruits
Are you having a beer?
de la bière
He does not like red wine.
du vin rouge
White wine is good!
du vin blanc
In this restaurant, I would like to drink Bordeaux.
du bordeaux
He doesn't like coffee, he prefers tea.
du thé
It is his birthday, he is twenty-eight years old.
It is Wednesday, September twenty-ninth.
It's thirty euros, please.
Niveau 29
The first of January is a public holiday.
Victor Hugo was born on February 26, 1802.
I was born on March 27, 2002, and you?
Leonardo da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452 in Italy.
In May, there are 31 days.
Zinedine Zidane was born on June 23, 1972 in France.
The French national holiday is July 14.
Napoleon was born on August 15, 1769.
In September, there are 30 days.
Pablo Picasso was born on October 25, 1881 in Spain.
Charles De Gaulle was born on November 22, 1890.
Christmas is on December 25.
Niveau 30
Where is the station?
Sorry, I'm looking for the station.
He takes the bus to work.
un bus
There is a tramway in Bordeaux.
un tramway
He takes the plane to Paris.
un avion
He takes the boat to England.
un bateau
Are there any seats on the 5pm train?
une place
I take the subway to go to the station.
une gare
Is the metro station closed?
une station
Niveau 31
The train from Paris arrives after 8 pm.
The train from Lyon arrives before 7 pm.
Our train is at platform number 7.
un quai
Our train is on track B.
une voie
She goes to the airport by cab.
un aéroport
Our gate is number 24.
une porte d'embarquement
The plane is 40 minutes late.
un retard
Our plane is direct to Paris.
Niveau 32
He is reading in his room.
en train
80% of French people like reading.
la lecture
People like to listen to the radio in their cars.
la radio
On weekends, I always watch a movie on TV.
un film
She goes to the theater every Thursday.
le théâtre
They love classical music concerts.
un concert
They go dancing in a disco.
They will sing in a karaoke.
She likes to draw gardens.
It is Friday, March 31st.
It is his birthday, he is thirty-two years old.
It's thirty-three euros, please.
Niveau 33
He has been a professor since 2015.
Underneath, there is a black pen.
The children do not go to school on Wednesdays.
une école
Marie is a student at the University of Paris.
une université
Teachers do not work on Sundays.
un professeur
The university has three large buildings.
un bâtiment
The students are in classroom number five.
une salle de cours
The teacher's lecture should be written.
Niveau 34
Do you have the car's papers?
les papiers
Send a photocopy of your diplomas.
un diplôme
What is the validity date of your passport?
une validité
We need your signature here.
une signature
Ticket valid from September 10 to December 10.
Do you have an ID, please?
une pièce d'identité
Do you have a driver's license?
un permis de conduire
Niveau 35
I go shopping after work.
des courses
There are many stores in this street.
un magasin
There is a market on Mondays and Fridays.
un marché
The supermarket opens at ten.
un supermarché
Today, customers buy a lot.
un client
There are twenty-five checkouts in this large supermarket.
une caisse
What is the price of these fruits?
un prix
How much does this cheese cost?
You have to buy butter and sugar.
This year fruits are not expensive.
I'm going to buy something for my father.
quelque chose
This store is open on Sunday.
Today, we have to go shopping.
il faut
How much does it cost?
Niveau 36
This is a men's store.
Sorry, I'm looking for women's pants.
Is there a children's store?
I am looking for sportswear.
un vêtement
The green shirt is not expensive.
une chemise
The white pants are expensive, right?
un pantalon
I would like to buy new sports shoes.
des chaussures
The blue belt is beautiful but expensive.
une ceinture
I have a lot of white t-shirts.
un t-shirt
Today, I would like to buy a hat.
un chapeau
Niveau 37
She has very short hair.
des cheveux
His arm has been hurting since yesterday.
un bras
Her hand has been hurting for two days.
une main
His leg has been hurting for a week.
une jambe
My foot has been hurting since this morning.
un pied
Breathe deeply, please.
You have to eat to live.
You have to drink when it's hot.
There's something under your foot.
Did you pee during the break?
faire pipi
She wants to eat right away.
tout de suite
Niveau 38
On the table, there is a large dish with pasta.
un plat
On my plate, there is salad.
une assiette
A glass of water please.
un verre
These white mugs are very pretty.
une tasse
Eat with your fork!
une fourchette
This knife cuts very well.
un couteau
I would like a spoon please.
une cuillère
My towel is dirty.
une serviette
He eats more and more.
de plus en plus
Niveau 39
I'm going to take a bath.
un bain
She takes a shower every morning.
une douche
She bought a large bath towel.
une serviette
I bought some soap.
du savon
Did you buy toothpaste?
du dentifrice
I forgot my toothbrush at the hotel.
une brosse à dents
He washes himself in the bathroom.
se laver
Niveau 40
The pharmacy is located next to the metro.
une pharmacie
A prescription is needed.
une ordonnance
These medications are very effective.
des médicaments
How much is this box of medication?
une boîte
Do you have any aspirin please?
de l'aspirine
Is it an antibiotic?
un antibiotique
This medication should be taken three times a day.
Today is her birthday, she is forty years old.
The French course is in room forty-one.
Twenty-nine plus thirteen equals forty-two.
This building has forty-three floors.
Niveau 41
She is wearing white pants with a blue sweater.
un pull
How much is this skirt?
une jupe
This jacket is too big.
une veste
This coat is too small.
un manteau
Today, I'm going to buy underpants.
un caleçon
How much is this bra?
un soutien-gorge
I bought some sports socks.
des chaussettes
These gray tights are pretty.
un collant
I always wear jeans on the weekends.
How is he dressed?
My phone is in my pocket.
une poche
Niveau 42
Excuse me, where is the post office please?
une poste
There is a mailbox in front of the school.
une boîte aux lettres
The company receives mail every day.
du courrier
There is a letter for you.
une lettre
There is a postcard for you.
une carte postale
You have to buy two stamps.
un timbre
Please write your address here.
une adresse
Niveau 43
Is there a bank near here?
une banque
Is there an ATM near here?
un distributeur de billets
ATM stands for Automatic Teller Machine.
un DAB
You need money to take the train.
de l'argent
I have a hundred euro bill.
un billet
I would like to change five hundred dollars please.
I'm going to withdraw a hundred euros for the groceries.
It's his birthday, he's fifty years old today.
Forty-five plus six equals fifty-one.
I have sixty euros, and you, how much do you have?
Here's the bill, it's sixty-seven euros please.
Niveau 44
Marc is in the bathroom, washing himself.
la toilette
Sophie is in the bathroom, showering.
se doucher
She does her hair in front of the mirror.
se coiffer
He shaves every morning after his shower.
se raser
Karim is in the bathroom, brushing his teeth.
se brosser les dents
Do you have clean hands?
I have dirty hands, where is the bathroom?
Niveau 45
Do you know France?
la France
In September, Sébastien goes to Germany.
The capital of England is London.
The capital of Italy is Rome.
It is hot in Spain in July.
In Holland there is good cheese.
la Hollande
In Switzerland people speak German, French and Italian.
la Suisse
She will go to Tokyo next year.
Niveau 46
One kilo of oranges please.
une orange
How much is a kilo of apples?
une pomme
If you go to the supermarket, get some bananas.
une banane
If you go to the market, buy strawberries.
des fraises
2,50€ the melon, it is not expensive.
un melon
Do you prefer melon or watermelon?
une pastèque
One kilo of peaches please.
une pêche
Buy lemons at the supermarket.
un citron
Niveau 47
There is a message for you.
un message
I left my cell phone at home.
un portable
I will write an email to my brother.
un mail
Do you have a new phone number?
un numéro de téléphone
Can I call you tomorrow?
I'm going to print this message, okay?
Attention, electric and electronic, it is not the same.
Can you call my house?
When are you going to call?
I looked at the website of this company.
un site Internet
She calls me every day.
tous les jours
Niveau 48
Five times seven equals thirty-five.
Five times nine equals forty-five.
Five times eleven equals fifty-five.
He will be sixty-five years old next week.
This building has seventy floors.
She will be seventy-one years old in October.
He will be seventy-two years old in January.
I have seventy-five euros, and you, how much do you have?
Paul lives at seventy-six, rue du Général de Gaulle.
Marie lives at seventy-seven, rue du marché.
Here is the bill, it makes seventy-nine euros.
She is between forty and fifty years old.
Niveau 49
Please fill out this form.
une fiche
This form must be sent before Wednesday.
un formulaire
You must call the visa service.
un service
Go to room 37 on the right.
un bureau
You have to go to the French embassy.
une ambassade
Do you have a residence in France?
un domicile
Niveau 50
Which pants do you like?
Do you wear glasses?
des lunettes
I bought warm gloves.
des gants
I forgot my umbrella at the university.
un parapluie
How much is this green handbag?
un sac à main
This leather jacket is beautiful but expensive.
du cuir
Want to try this jacket?
I get dressed before having my breakfast.
What is it made of? Plastic?
en quoi