Niveau 151
Do you have an address in France?
une adresse
Which number of Avenue Clemenceau do you live at?
un numéro
Do you live in a house or an apartment?
une maison
What is your building number?
un immeuble
I live in building A.
un bâtiment
To come to my house, it's the B staircase.
un escalier
Which district do you live in?
un arrondissement
Niveau 152
He is French of Algerian origin.
une origine
She has dual French and Algerian nationality.
une double nationalité
Have you ever been to a foreign country?
Algeria is a great African country.
China is the largest country in Asia.
There are approximately 950 million Americans.
un Américain
Brazil is the largest Latin American country.
Niveau 153
Did he poop in the forest?
faire caca
Mary is in good health.
la santé
My muscles are tired.
un muscle
She has a stomach ache since this morning.
le ventre
Stéphane has a tired face.
le visage
This morning my neck hurts.
le cou
Swimming is good for your back.
le dos
He hurt his knee while skiing.
le genou
Niveau 154
His wallet was stolen at the cinema?
The army is guarding train stations and airports.
The army is guarding train stations and airports.
There was a robbery in the subway.
un vol
You have to go to a police officer.
un agent de police
Help! Thief!
un voleur
Did the police arrest the thieves?
The ambulance will arrive in a few minutes.
une ambulance
We need to call an ambulance.
The police will help us.
Niveau 155
Jean has a good ear for music.
What is this sound?
un son
Do you know this tune?
un air
C, D, E, F, G... These are the musical notes.
une note
You have to speak low in a library.
I am working, please speak more softly.
Excuse me, can you speak a little louder?
Niveau 156
The police will ask you for your identity.
une identité
What is your maiden name?
un nom de jeune fille
I would like to see some identification, please.
une pièce d'identité
Shall I give you my name?
The police check the identity of people in the station.
Let me introduce myself, my name is Jean.
se présenter
To enter, we will ask you for an ID.
Niveau 157
She has been living with her boyfriend for six months.
un copain
There was the birth of a baby in my family.
une naissance
There was the death of his father last year.
une mort
They used to live together but now they are separated.
They want to divorce soon.
What is your family situation?
une situation de famille
Niveau 158
I'll have a steak and fries.
un steak
I made some roast beef, do you want some?
un rôti
Do you like mutton?
du mouton
I bought lamb for tonight.
de l'agneau
She doesn't eat ham because she is Muslim.
du jambon
Would you like some tuna salad?
du thon
Tonight we eat salmon and beans.
du saumon
Niveau 159
Do you have good eyesight?
la vue
I like this color, it's light.
It is a beautiful dark color.
Touch here with your finger.
un doigt
This shirt is very soft on my skin.
la peau
I think this bed is too hard!
I think this bed is too soft.
How does it taste?
un goût
I don't like the noise.
du bruit
Niveau 160
He will finish his studies next year.
In this course, there are many students.
The math teacher is very good at explaining.
Ludivine is ten years old and is entering middle school.
un collège
François is fourteen years old and is entering high school.
un lycée
University registration is not expensive in France.
une inscription
What time does the library close?
une bibliothèque
If you have a stomach ache, you go to the infirmary.
une infirmerie
The teacher miscalculated my grade!
Niveau 161
This year, I have too much work.
Laurence is looking for an internship.
un stage
My hours are 9am to 5pm.
des horaires
For me, it's hard to work in the morning.
It's tiring to work late at night.
She is tired because she has been working since this morning.
It's nice to work outside.
It's not easy, but it pays well.
bien payé
It's not hard but it's not well paid.
mal payé
She no longer wants to work after 6 p.m.
ne plus
Niveau 162
She has enough money to make this trip.
I visited several museums in Paris.
George does a lot of activities during his vacation.
des activités
During the holidays, I go skiing with Vincent.
les fêtes
Saturday, we celebrate with friends.
faire la fête
Saturday, we go in discotheque with friends.
une discothèque
Would you like to go to a museum?
un musée
Would you like to see a painting exhibition?
une exposition
Niveau 163
Is it in or out?
Is it in or out?
Would you like to make a game?
un jeu
Would you like to play cards?
jouer aux cartes
When he plays with me, he absolutely wants to win.
When he plays with me, he hates to lose.
Little Leo got five toys for Christmas.
un jouet
This family often plays board games.
un jeu de société
Young people like to play video games.
un jeu vidéo
Niveau 164
Don't put that in your mouth.
la bouche
Do you want to taste this cheese?
This fruit has a very good taste.
avoir bon goût
I think this cake is delicious.
I think this dish tastes bad, right?
avoir mauvais goût
This mustard is very strong.
Niveau 165
It is a famous soccer competition.
une compétition
He walks behind the group.
He walks in front of the group.
He needs to do more sports.
She plays soccer every Sunday.
jouer au football
I like to run once a week.
She swims twice a week.
They go skiing once a year, in February.
He plays tennis once a week.
faire du tennis
I bought a new swimsuit.
un maillot de bain
He rides his bike to work.
du vélo
Niveau 166
Do you have a pencil, please?
un crayon
Could I look at your notebook?
un cahier
I'll look in my calendar.
un agenda
There are fifteen tables in the classroom.
une table
The chairs aren't very comfortable, are they?
une chaise
The computer is on the teacher's desk.
un bureau
Two students write the answers on the board.
un tableau
Niveau 167
Excuse me, where is the cheese department?
un rayon
I go to the butcher to buy pork.
un boucher
I go to the baker to buy bread.
un boulanger
I go to the pastry shop to buy desserts.
un pâtissier
I go to the deli to buy smoked ham.
un charcutier
I go to the fishmonger to buy mussels.
un poissonnier
Please, can you weigh this?
Please, can you serve me?
Niveau 168
John lives in a downtown residence.
une résidence
He has been living in a HLM for a year.
une HLM
I live in a twenty-five story tower.
une tour
Her apartment has two small balconies.
un balcon
She has a beautiful terrace in front of her house.
une terrasse
Their new apartment is very clear.
The street where we live is quiet.
Niveau 169
a soccer match lasts two times 45 minutes.
There is a soccer game on TV.
un match
Where is the gym?
une salle
Jacques runs a lot, he is athletic.
Antoine is part of a soccer team.
une équipe
Amélie is a tennis champion.
un champion
Zinedine Zidane was a soccer player.
un joueur
A large stadium can accommodate fifty thousand spectators.
un spectateur
Niveau 170
There is a video projector in each classroom.
Students ask questions to the teacher.
un maître d'école
Delphine's mother has an appointment with the school principal.
un directeur d'école
Parents of students can talk with teachers.
un parent
Delphine has good grades in math.
une note
The math exercise is really hard.
Is this teacher severe?
The history teacher is really nice.
Are you good at math?
I'm pretty bad in English...
Niveau 171
Employees are against change.
Night workers want better pay.
un salaire
The workers demand a better salary.
She has a good salary in this company.
un salaire
Today there is a train strike.
une grève
The union is demanding better wages.
un syndicat
This company pays its employees well.
Unfortunately, he doesn't make much money.
Niveau 172
He is a very famous singer in his country.
The show starts at 7pm.
The show ends at 9 pm.
We thought this film was great.
Pleyel is a beautiful concert hall.
une salle
I would like two tickets for tonight's concert.
une place
What time does the play start?
une pièce de théâtre
Want to see some dancing?
de la danse
The show starts at 7pm.
un spectacle
See you this afternoon at the book fair?
un salon
Niveau 173
What's that smell?
une odeur
The French buy a lot of perfume.
un parfum
This flower smells good.
sentir bon
I think it smells bad here, don't you?
sentir mauvais
My clothes are scented with lavender.
I find this smell very pleasant.
I find this smell very unpleasant.
Niveau 174
It's a nice river.
Many French people like to go to the sea in summer.
la mer
They will spend two weeks in the mountains.
la montagne
You need good shoes to walk in the mountains.
des chaussures
We take a long walk every Sunday.
une promenade
My uncle and cousins go camping every summer.
du camping
We are going on vacation to the country.
la campagne
They live in the city but have a small garden.
un jardin
They walk in the forest of Fontainebleau.
une forêt
They like to walk in the mountain.
se promener
Niveau 175
Le Monde is a national newspaper.
They spend time on social networks.
un réseau social
I look at the ads to find an apartment.
une annonce
The journalist posted a tweet.
un tweet
This cook's blog is well done.
un blog
I get a lot of advertising emails.
This document must be saved.
This document must be copied.
This document must be downloaded.
Niveau 176
Can you please turn on the light?
la lumière
I listen to the radio on my computer.
une radio
Do you have a DVD player?
un lecteur de DVD
The apartment is small but it is in a good area.
The apartment is large but expensive.
The apartment is small but comfortable.
Niveau 177
There is one room that is expensive.
une pièce
The repair will cost five hundred euros.
une réparation
The mechanic will fix your car today.
un mécanicien
Do you want us to check the oil?
Do you want us to change the wipers?
She was in a car accident on the way to work.
un accident
I still have to pay the garage for the repair.
un garagiste
Niveau 178
Do you have a good recipe for making pizza?
une recette
What do you put in your soup?
une soupe
Can you buy salad?
de la salade
I bought a dozen eggs.
un œuf
With my meat, I would like mashed potatoes.
de la purée
Are the fries homemade?
des frites
What's for dinner, a pizza?
une pizza
Niveau 179
There is a bus stop near the post office.
un arrêt
The departure of our train is at 16:02.
le départ
The arrival of our train is at 5:15 pm.
You have to take the direction of Châtelet.
une direction
Do you have the train schedules for Paris?
un horaire
It is necessary to arrive early at the airport.
en avance
My train to Paris is sometimes late.
en retard
Today the train is on time.
à l'heure
The last subway is a little after midnight.
Niveau 180
You have to buy toilet paper.
du papier-toilette
Are there no more detergents?
de la lessive
Is there a clean sponge?
une éponge
I will vacuum the kitchen and living room.
un aspirateur
The kitchen needs to be swept.
un balai
This towel is not very clean.
The apartment is dirty, do you have a broom?
Niveau 181
The artists of this show are Italian.
un artiste
Pierre Niney is a very famous actor in France.
un comédien
Marie-Claude Pietragalla is a very famous dancer in France.
un danseur
Picasso is a famous Spanish painter.
un peintre
Erik Satie is a famous French musician.
un musicien
The theater has less of an audience than the cinema.
le public
Would you like to go out tonight?
A large stadium can accommodate fifty thousand spectators.
There is a large number of people in the room.
Comedians make fun of personalities.
un humoriste
There are a few people in the room.
Niveau 182
A customs form must be filled out.
un formulaire de douane
Foreigners must go to the left counter.
un étranger
You have to show your passport to go through customs.
There are all the European flags in front of the hotel.
un drapeau
Do you have something to declare?
The customs officer checks the passports.
I would like to change dollars into euros.
Niveau 183
It is absolutely necessary to buy toilet paper.
It's so expensive that I can't buy it.
For every two melons purchased, there is one free.
There is a new clothing store in front of the metro.
une boutique
There is still a bookstore that has closed.
une librairie
When do the sales start?
des soldes
Do you have the store card?
une carte
Do you have any money on you?
de l'argent
Do you have a dime?
une pièce
Do you have two ten-euro bills?
un billet
Niveau 184
Is the tank full?
There are no trucks on the highway on Sundays.
un camion
I don't want to buy a car with an old engine.
un moteur
French cars have the steering wheel on the left.
un volant
Do you need to buy new wheels?
une roue
Put your bag in the back seat.
un siège
I don't want to drive 500 miles!
New cars pollute less.
Niveau 185
The post office is next to the cinema.
un bureau de poste
You have to wait in front of the counter.
un guichet
You forgot to write the recipient's address.
un destinataire
The sender's address must be written on the back of the envelope.
un expéditeur
Please fill out this form.
Can you mail this letter for me?
Niveau 186
The bar next door is open until midnight.
un bar
Is there a cafeteria at your university?
une cafétéria
There are not many customers in this restaurant.
un client
I think the server is slow, no?
un serveur
Breakfast is from 7 am to 9 am.
le petit déjeuner
What non-alcoholic drinks do you have?
une boisson
In France, the service is included in the price.
le service
On the spot or to go?
Niveau 187
I bought 500 grams of grey shrimp.
des crevettes
I would like to eat mussels and French fries.
des moules
You want more carrots?
des carottes
Can you buy a kilo of beans?
des haricots
Who wants more salad?
de la salade
You need wine to make this sauce.
de la sauce
Would you like a piece of fruit to finish?
un fruit
Niveau 188
Have you already bought your train ticket?
un billet
I would like five subway tickets please.
un ticket
Hello, a one-way ticket to Paris please.
un aller simple
Hello, a round trip to Fontainebleau please.
un aller-retour
Do you have a reservation?
une réservation
How much luggage do you have?
un bagage
I bought a large travel bag.
un sac
Niveau 189
In general, there are sales in January and June.
en général
There is an exceptional sale on Saturday 21st.
une vente
A computer is an important purchase.
un achat
Do you want an invoice?
une facture
Can you pay by credit card?
une carte bancaire
I have no change, I'm sorry.
de la monnaie
I would like to exchange these pants, they are too big.
I don't have this book, can I order it from you?
Niveau 190
Do you have an aspirin tablet?
un comprimé
I'm going to buy some syrup at the pharmacy.
du sirop
You need to put some cream on your face.
de la crème
The doctor gave him an injection.
une piqûre
Did you get the flu shot?
un vaccin
Put one drop in each eye.
une goutte
How many times a day should I put these drops on?