Niveau 281
There are toilets near the reception.
des toilettes
Do you know where the showers are?
une douche
The sanitary facilities are behind that building, over there.
des sanitaires
We have had a caravan for three years.
une caravane
I would like to buy a motor home to travel.
un camping-car
The campsites are full of holidaymakers in summer.
un vacancier
It is a place where there are many campers.
un campeur
It takes 10 to 15 minutes to set up the tent.
Can we take the tent down now?
Niveau 282
Will you have wine?
du vin
We will take water.
de l'eau
Would you like some mineral water?
de l'eau minérale
I think I'll have a beer.
de la bière
Do we take a bottle of wine?
une bouteille
Let's get a carafe of water, please.
une carafe
Could I have a glass of water, please.
un verre
This plate is dirty, can you change it?
une assiette
Niveau 283
They are only natural products.
un produit
In winter, you need to take plenty of vitamins.
des vitamines
I have a can of beans, if you want.
une conserve
Tonight, there is no hot dish.
Let's have a cold dish, okay?
I have frozen green beans for tonight.
I will cook vegetables from the garden.
Shall we have a drink before eating?
prendre un verre
Niveau 284
Ask the butcher if he has any Bayonne ham.
un charcutier
Can you stop by the deli and buy some ham?
une charcuterie
Ask the caterer if he has garlic snails.
un traiteur
There is rabbit pâté, do you want some?
du pâté
There are pork rillettes, do you want some?
des rillettes
There is good sausage, do you want some?
du saucisson
I don't feel like cooking, I'll buy a ready-made meal.
un plat cuisiné
Niveau 285
There are many spices in this store.
des épices
Vinegar is made from wine.
du vinaigre
I put vanilla in the cake.
de la vanille
You need to sweeten a little more.
Do you have to salt at the end?
Did you pepper the meat?
Niveau 286
You have to calculate how much it costs in total.
The cashier gives the customer change.
rendre la monnaie
She always shops at a big box store.
une grande surface
I found some cheap shirts in the catalog.
un catalogue
There are buyers for this thing!?
un acheteur
The customers of this store live in the neighborhood.
une clientèle
Do you have twenty cents?
un centime
Niveau 287
What kind of fabric is it?
du tissu
I put on my pajamas and go to sleep.
un pyjama
I have five pairs of sneakers.
des baskets
She doesn't have much in the way of sportswear.
des vêtements de sport
I undress, then I go to shower.
se déshabiller
These pants fit you very well.
aller bien
Niveau 288
I will ask the pharmacist for advice.
un pharmacien
Do you have your Vitale card?
une carte Vitale
One capsule should be taken morning, noon and night.
une gélule
This medicine is presented in powder form.
de la poudre
Are you already taking an anti-inflammatory medication?
un anti-inflammatoire
Do you accept generic drugs?
The tablet should be melted in a glass of water.
faire fondre
Niveau 289
I had a phone call with the new client.
une communication
You should ask this question on a forum.
un forum
The teacher opened a discussion on the Internet.
une discussion
This cook's blog is very well done.
un blog
You must provide your email address.
une adresse électronique
You will receive a confirmation after receiving your email.
une réception
It is necessary to confirm the submission of the form.
un envoi
I sent three files in the email.
un fichier
Do you want to save the document?
Niveau 290
There are two branches of my bank in my small town.
une agence
You need to speak with an employee at the counter.
un guichet
Can you pay in cash?
des espèces
I transferred 500 euros to your account.
They borrowed 100,000 euros to buy an apartment.
The bank lent them 100,000 euros to buy their apartment.
Niveau 291
I'll ask the policeman for directions.
un policier
Did you talk to the commissioner?
un commissaire de police
Did you talk to a police captain?
un capitaine de police
Beware of pickpockets in the subway.
un pickpocket
The police make an identity control at the exit of the subway.
un contrôle d'identité
The police made several arrests.
une arrestation
The young man was taken into custody.
une garde à vue
The police officer advised to file a complaint.
porter plainte
The police checked the passports of the passengers.
The police pronounced the death at 3 p.m.
un décès
Niveau 292
There are allowances for families with children.
des allocations
It's good to have good insurance when you travel.
une assurance
When do I have to register?
You must declare your new address to the town hall.
I will apply for a passport at the prefecture.
faire une demande de
I'm going to apply for social housing.
déposer un dossier de
Niveau 293
The cleanliness of the body is important.
la propreté
This store offers massages and facials.
les soins
He doesn't like to take a bath.
prendre un bain
I'm going to take a shower after the sport.
prendre une douche
I would like a towel to dry myself.
Do you wear Chanel perfume?
se parfumer
She gets her hair cut every two months.
se faire couper les cheveux
Niveau 294
Little Aurélien had chicken pox last year.
la varicelle
Little Julie had the mumps last month.
les oreillons
I have a pimple on my nose!
un bouton
James has had a bad cough for two days.
une toux
Emmanuelle caught the flu at school.
I have to stay home to take care of myself.
se soigner
This medicine will cure you in three days.
He got sick and threw up.
Niveau 295
My brother was hospitalized last year.
une hospitalisation
Hospital visits are allowed in the afternoon.
une visite
The nurses do the care in the morning.
des soins
I am looking for the radiology department.
un service
There are many people in the waiting room.
une salle d'attente
He will enter the hospital Monday night.
She will be released from the hospital on Friday morning.
Niveau 296
The thermometer is stored in the cupboard on the right.
un thermomètre
We have no more bandages at home.
un pansement
We don't have any more cotton at home.
du coton
You need to put a compress on your knee.
une compresse
We will protect your hand with a bandage.
une bande
You will have to walk with a cane.
une canne
The nurse will bring a wheelchair.
un fauteuil roulant
Niveau 297
What is your husband's profession?
un époux
Evelyne's partner works in Bordeaux.
un compagnon
Do you have a lover?
un amoureux
What is her fiancé's name?
un fiancé
Emmanuel has been widowed since last year.
Niveau 298
Language allows us to communicate.
un langage
The conference interpreter will arrive in a minute.
un interprète
The translation of this novel is particularly good.
une traduction
Jean is fluent in English and Spanish.
His mother is English and therefore he is bilingual.
He speaks French, English and Spanish, he is trilingual.
She understands Italian but she doesn't speak it.
Niveau 299
This is a request from the director.
une demande
The parents of the bride and groom gave a speech.
un discours
This is a discussion I often have with my friends.
une discussion
A stranger hurled an insult at him in the street.
une insulte
This child is so talkative that he is often punished at school.
Children are quiet when they are in front of the TV!
Comedians make fun of politicians.
se moquer
His father forbade him to go out Friday night.
Niveau 300
More and more people are living near a seaside.
un bord de mer
The holidaymakers prefer the fine sandy beaches.
du sable
Sometimes there are rocks with strange shapes.
un rocher
Unlike a lake, a pond is not crossed by a river.
un étang
Rotterdam is the largest European port.
un port
The summit of Mont Blanc is at 4810 meters.
un sommet
There are villages in the valleys of the Alps.
une vallée
Niveau 301
There is a doctor's office 500 meters from my house.
un cabinet médical
The Town Hall is open from nine to five.
une mairie
If you have a problem, you can go to the police.
une gendarmerie
My uncle works on a farm.
une exploitation agricole
This farm grows wheat and corn.
une culture
The rural world is a way of calling the countryside.
Niveau 302
A storm is coming to the area.
une tempête
The typhoon season is about to start.
un typhon
The television launches a weather alert for tomorrow.
une alerte
Central Australia has a desert climate.
Russia has a continental climate.
Indonesia has an equatorial climate.
Niveau 303
Relations between China and Russia are tense.
les relations
The facts occurred in 1955.
un fait
The two presidents had a meeting in Paris.
un entretien
An incident occurred with the French army.
un incident
How many conflicts are there in the world?
un conflit
The Minister wants to address this issue.
une réponse
The Minister's response was swift.
une réaction
Niveau 304
In general, the polling stations are in the town halls.
un bureau de vote
You need 50.1% of the vote to win an election.
une voix
The results of the elections will be known at 8 p.m.
un résultat
The campaign for the elections will soon begin.
une campagne
Do you know the political program of the socialists?
un programme
Do you know the socialists' economic project?
un projet
There are eighteen candidates for this election.
un candidat
Niveau 305
The purchasing power of the French has increased significantly over the past fifty years.
le pouvoir d'achat
The country still wants to invest in transportation.
les transports
Many companies are in the service industry.
les services
The banking sector is growing.
la banque
France produces fewer cars than Germany.
Businesses used less electricity than last year.
The sharing of wealth is also a social issue.
Niveau 306
The atmosphere is tense because of a security problem.
I sometimes have negative thoughts.
une pensée
Men are not always rational.
The teacher's explanations are too theoretical.
Electricity has many practical applications.
What he says does not always make sense.
What he says is very concrete.
What he says is very abstract.
Niveau 307
The function of the eyes is to see.
une fonction
Digestion takes several hours.
la digestion
The stomach has a digestive function.
The lungs have a respiratory function.
The joints allow for easy movement.
les articulations
Niveau 308
His face has a calm appearance.
un aspect
She has very light skin.
la peau
Tanning is no longer in fashion, right?
le bronzage
He has brown eyes and brown hair.
She has long straight hair.
He has light eyes and gray hair.
The color of his face is pale.
He is disabled following a car accident.
Niveau 309
He is leaning over the table.
It is lowered to pass under the table.
She has been motionless for several seconds.
He can touch his feet, he is flexible.
He can't touch his feet, he's stiff.
I leaned out the window to see the car.
se pencher
I fell down but I got up right away.
se relever
You have to jump to hit the ceiling.
Niveau 310
I would like to send a package by mail.
un envoi
You must grip the racket with your right hand.
You have to remove the SIM card from your smartphone.
Hot water should be poured into the bathtub.
The bathtub should be filled with hot water.
Do you want to take the washing machine apart?
I threw the ball as far as I could.
Niveau 311
He can't see well, he is visually impaired.
un malvoyant
He likes bright colors.
I have a good visual memory: if I can see, I can remember.
Laura became blind at the age of eight.
From here, you can see the Eiffel Tower.
Niveau 312
The death of his friend caused him grief.
du chagrin
This crime against a child provokes disgust.
du dégoût
This new failure caused him to despair.
du désespoir
He says everything he thinks, he is direct.
He has been fearful since childhood.
She feels sad about the death of her cat.
After these emotions, it is necessary to calm down.
se calmer
Niveau 313
She showed a lot of kindness to her mother.
de la gentillesse
He is in a bad mood today!
de la mauvaise humeur
There is jealousy in this couple.
de la jalousie
The waiters in this restaurant are all friendly.
The salesman in this store is smiling.
Jacques' behavior shocked the whole family.
His wife has put up with his bad temper for twenty years!
Niveau 314
He takes pride in the social success of his children.
de la fierté
He showed generosity to his friends.
de la générosité
Is he a man who often shows nastiness?
de la méchanceté
She sometimes behaves selfishly.
She is an energetic and optimistic woman.
He is worried because he has money problems.
His stories are very entertaining for children.
Niveau 315
I will introduce you to Mrs. Gobert.
des présentations
He is named after his mother.
porter le nom
She took her husband's name.
prendre le nom
She kept her maiden name.
garder le nom
Can I check your name?
Niveau 316
It is a passage with furniture stores and cafes.
un passage
Celine is reading in a square.
un square
He lives not far from the quay of the Seine.
un quai
This small and quiet street is a dead end.
une impasse
She lives in a town with a population of about 100.
une commune
Paulin has been living in Paris for two years.
This letter should be addressed to Mr. Dupuy.
Niveau 317
Foreigners need a residence permit.
une carte de séjour
You can pay the doctor with your Vitale card.
une carte Vitale
I need a photocopy of the family record book.
un livret de famille
You must provide a photocopy of your passport.
You can pick up this document at your local city hall.
The police asked me to show my driver's license.
Niveau 318
They go to mass on Sundays.
une messe
There is a wedding ceremony in the church.
une cérémonie
This is a Buddhist tradition.
This is a Catholic tradition.
It is a Hindu tradition.
It is an atheist tradition.
He prays because he believes in God.
Niveau 319
I'm going to see a play on campus.
un campus
Marlene has a room in the university residence in Dijon.
une cité universitaire
It's not very expensive in university restaurants.
un restaurant universitaire
Shall we meet in the university cafeteria?
une cafétéria
See you at the university gym?
un gymnase
I have a lecture hall class this afternoon.
un amphithéâtre
Niveau 320
Do you have a black marker please?
un feutre
I put the documents in a binder.
un classeur
I forgot my French textbook.
un manuel
There is a video projector in each classroom.
un vidéoprojecteur
All students were present this morning.
The French teacher was absent this morning.
Theo missed three days of class due to illness.
Niveau 321
He works in the automotive sector.
In which sector do you work?
un secteur
She has been working in education for five years.
Do you work in the public sector?
le public
Do you work in the private sector?
le privé
Are you in business?
les affaires
He would like to work in the administration.
He has worked in agriculture all his life.
Niveau 322
She signed her employment contract.
She signed her employment contract.
un contrat
The employees of this company have three weeks of vacation in August.
un salarié
She is studying to work in the health field.
des études
He must undergo a one-month training before starting.
une formation
A cover letter should be sent this week.
une lettre de motivation
Five years of professional experience is required for this position.
de l'expérience professionnelle
Niveau 323
She will retire at sixty.
prendre sa retraite
He takes English classes at a local training center.
un centre de formation
He learns to bake in an apprenticeship center.
un centre d'apprentissage
She has been working at the Pasteur Institute for two years.
un institut
Lately, she has been thinking about her professional future.
un avenir professionnel
Initial training means studying when you are young.
Continuing education is studying when you are already working.
Continuing education is the training that we do while working.
Niveau 324
Would you like to go to a painting exhibition?
une exposition
There is a Mozart concert on Saturday night.
un concert
There is a classical music festival in July.
un festival
We are going to attend a dance performance.
assister à
The singer performed his old songs.
Niveau 325
Some readers of the newspaper protested.
un lecteur
Five million viewers watched the debate.
un téléspectateur
According to a survey, the French are optimistic.
un sondage
France Inter is a public radio station.
une station
Every month I buy this history magazine.
une revue
Le Bien Public is a regional newspaper.
Sébastien is a computer engineer.
Niveau 326
There is a shower in the bathroom.
une douche
There is a bathtub in the bathroom.
une baignoire
There is a sink next to the window.
un lavabo
It is a room with two large closets.
un placard
It's a shame, the walls are not thick.
un mur
Carpets cover the floor of the living room.
le sol
In this room, the ceiling is two and a half meters high.
le plafond
Niveau 327
At five in the morning, the buses are almost empty.
At half past eight, the buses are full.
The metro is the fastest way to get around Paris.
In Paris, the traffic is slow around six o'clock.
It's nice to take a tourist bus in Paris.
The metro is not comfortable but it is fast and cheap.
It's convenient to get around by bike in a big city.
This train is fast but not at all noisy.
Niveau 328
What is the price difference between the second and first class?
une classe
How much does a Paris-Lyon-Paris flight cost in second gear?
un tarif
How much hand luggage do you have?
un bagage à main
My backpack weighs fifteen kilos.
un sac à dos
You have to go through the baggage check-in before ten o'clock.
un enregistrement
If you have too much luggage, you will pay extra.
un supplément
Have you already checked your luggage?
We will be able to recover our bags in a few minutes.
Niveau 329
There is a speed limit sign.
un panneau
Be careful, this is a one-way street.
un sens unique
You can't pass, it's a one-way street.
un sens interdit
Drive slowly down this street.
It is forbidden to stop here.
It is forbidden to turn left.
Excuse me, where can I park my car?
se garer
Niveau 330
A full tank of unleaded, please.
du sans plomb
Full tank of diesel, please.
du gazole
How much do I owe you for the repair?
un dépannage
How much do I owe you for the repair?
une réparation
The lights don't work anymore?
My car broke down on the highway.
tomber en panne
Can I check the oil level?
Niveau 331
Ask the receptionist for your key.
un réceptionniste
How many stars does this hotel have?
une étoile
See you at the bar at seven?
un bar
Who will pay the hotel bill?
une note
I will call to confirm our reservation at the hotel.
If you are sick, you have to cancel the hotel.
What time do we get woken up?
se faire réveiller
Niveau 332
Could I have the menu, please?
un menu
Could I have the wine list, please?
une carte
Will you have cheese?
du fromage
Will you have an aperitif?
un apéritif
The meat was delicious.
Is the wine good? Are you satisfied?
Niveau 333
Would you like a slice of ham?
une tranche
Do you want a piece of meat?
un morceau
Can you buy four skewers from the butcher?
une brochette
For this large chicken, it takes an hour and a half to cook.
une cuisson
This meat is a bit fatty, isn't it?
It is a fish that can be eaten raw.
Do you want some grilled fish?
Niveau 334
How much does a kilo of onions cost?
un oignon
There is no more garlic, we have to buy some.
de l'ail
I would eat a beet salad.
une betterave
We should buy green vegetables.
You should buy dried vegetables.
Do you have any frozen vegetables?
Would you mind peeling the potatoes?
Niveau 335
Do you want some juice?
du jus
How much are the mangoes?
une mangue
A kilo of cherries please.
une cerise
Apricots are very good this year.
un abricot
We need pears for dessert.
une poire
The strawberries are very sweet.
It's a shame, the apples are sour.
Do I have to peel the tomatoes?
Niveau 336
Buy six bottles of mineral water.
de l'eau minérale
Buy two bottles of sparkling water.
de l'eau gazeuse
Would you like a cup of coffee?
une tasse
Would you like a glass of wine?
un verre
Shall we open a good bottle of wine?
Niveau 337
Snails are a specialty of Burgundy.
une spécialité
Do you have to boil water?
I'll grill the meat.
Leonard will be cooking tonight.
faire la cuisine
We're going to reheat yesterday's soup.
I will serve everyone, pass me your plate.
Niveau 338
There's everything you want in department stores.
un grand magasin
I go to the grocery store to buy jam.
une épicerie
Is there a stationery store near here?
une papeterie
I got a discount on the clothes.
une réduction
Right now, there are promotions on shirts and pants.
une promotion
I use my credit card as payment method.
un paiement
Niveau 339
In this street, there are several food shops.
de l'alimentation
There are several merchants on this street.
un commerçant
The seller gave me good advice.
un vendeur
Give me five hundred grams of pork.
I'll take two baguettes please.
Prepare me a one-kilo roast beef.
Niveau 340
The flu has claimed many victims.
une victime
There are fewer AIDS patients than before?
un malade
He suffered a small injury to his hand.
une blessure
I've had a cold for three days.
You need to do some physical activity to be healthy.
être en bonne santé
Noémie is feverish since this morning.
Are you doing well today?
aller bien
You need to take your temperature before going to school.
prendre sa température
Niveau 341
Mrs. Dupuy receives a pension of 800 euros per month.
une pension
Can you give me your social security number?
un numéro de sécurité sociale
In France, a care sheet is like a bill.
une feuille de soins
His fall down the stairs was a work-related accident.
un accident du travail
She was given a one-month leave of absence from work.
un arrêt de travail
I reported my accident to my insurance.
My insurance will pay me 200 euros.
Niveau 342
What is your wife's profession?
une épouse
It's a family problem.
It costs a lot to educate children.
Hélène lost her father in January of this year.
Philippe fell in love with an Australian woman.
tomber amoureux
Charline and Louis will get engaged in July.
se fiancer
Niveau 343
The journalist has framed dishonest banks.
He was praised by his teachers.
des félicitations
She asked her parents for permission.
une permission
It is not the writer who speaks, it is his character.
un écrivain
He confessed that he hid his brother's bag.
She guessed that the man was lying.
He exaggerated by not coming this morning.
We wrote a letter of response to the director.
Niveau 344
Spiders are useful in nature.
une araignée
There are tuna in the Mediterranean.
un thon
The rays live in the bottom of the sea.
une raie
The tiger lives in Asia but not in Africa.
un tigre
Crocodiles live in warm areas.
un crocodile
My cat meows when he is hungry.
Can you hear the cows mooing?
We adopted a little cat.
Niveau 345
Matt has a very logical mind.
un esprit
It's an easy reasoning to understand.
un raisonnement
He asked for a week's reflection before making his decision.
une réflexion
She came to the conclusion that it is impossible.
une conclusion
We should not make too easy generalizations.
une généralisation
He must prove that he knows his job well.
They want to experiment with vegetarianism.
Niveau 346
Are all human beings born equal?
un être humain
We are young until 27 years?
The teenage period can be difficult.
She became a sportswoman as an adult.
Love is a universal feeling.
All individuals have rights.
un individu
Niveau 347
I hit my forehead on the door!
le front
He has a lot of hair on his arms.
un poil
She writes her messages with her thumbs.
le pouce
She has very long nails.
un ongle
He feels a pain in his chest.
la poitrine
He hurt his buttocks when he fell down the stairs.
les fesses
At school we study reproduction.
la reproduction
Breathing is a vital function.
Niveau 348
This medical breakthrough brings hope to his family.
de l'espoir
Men must respect women.
You have to be tolerant with people who don't have the same religion.
She is a quiet woman who often stays at home.
He is a violent man who drinks a lot of alcohol.
Olivier is jealous of his colleague's new car.
Niveau 349
Shyness is a problem for public speaking.
de la timidité
His father has tenderness for his children.
de la tendresse
Each time, she leaves her father with regret.
du regret
She felt satisfied when she passed her exam.
de la satisfaction
His accident caused a lot of concern.
de l'inquiétude
He is a nice and discreet man.
Niveau 350
The Atlas are Moroccan mountains.
Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia.
Lake Saint-Jean is a Canadian lake.
The Amazon is a huge Brazilian river.
The Acropolis is a famous Greek monument.
Istanbul is a beautiful Turkish city.
Niveau 351
The children eat in the school canteen.
une cantine
The students in the class have a Spanish pen pal.
un correspondant
The student with the math teacher is an intern.
un stagiaire
Sports are mandatory in college.
The list of elective courses is on the Internet.
au choix
My math teacher has a Saturday morning class.
faire cours
Léa is taking a psychology course at the university.
suivre un cours
Niveau 352
The reception is open until 5 pm.
I change in the factory locker room.
un vestiaire
He has been working in the business since September.
le commerce
He has been working in the communication department since last year.
la communication
He studied to work in finance.
la finance
He is an engineer in the automotive industry.
He studied to work in advertising.
la publicité
Joséphine works in a home services company.
les services
Niveau 353
There is a meeting on the executive floor.
la direction
He found a three-month assignment in a factory.
une mission
He found a part-time job at Peugeot.
un travail à temps partiel
She finds that her working conditions are good.
des conditions de travail
Is there a lot of stress in your job?
du stress
She is registered with a temporary employment agency.
He would really like to find a stable job.
Niveau 354
The employers want liberal economic reforms.
le patronat
The steward speaks with the director.
un délégué syndical
Jean Delevigne was elected as a staff representative.
un représentant du personnel
The works council offers a nice trip to the employees.
un comité d'entreprise
He had a work accident while assembling a piece of furniture.
un accident du travail
There will be twenty layoffs in this company.
un licenciement
Sylvie is off work for three days.
un arrêt de travail
The union is demanding a pay raise.
Niveau 355
What do you do in your free time?
du temps libre
Do you have any hobbies?
des loisirs
I borrowed two books from the media library.
une médiathèque
My little brother is collecting stamps.
une collection
This program gathers one million viewers.
un téléspectateur
This soccer stadium can accommodate fifty thousand spectators.
un spectateur
I'm not a great sportsman but I run a little.
un sportif
My father likes to garden a lot.
Every weekend, Mr. Brown works at home.
Niveau 356
We went for a walk around the lake.
une balade
We had a picnic by the lake.
un pique-nique
The walkers discuss while walking.
un promeneur
Campers get up early in the morning.
un campeur
I forgot the camera in the car.
un appareil photo
Could we have a picnic by the river?
Niveau 357
The media is disseminating more and more information.
un média
Is it possible to see this film in its original version?
une version originale
Have you seen the trailer of Luc Besson's latest movie?
une bande-annonce
The results of the elections will be televised.
You can see this on the local TV station.
I regularly follow international news.
Politicians like to communicate on television.
Niveau 358
We need to buy a new washing machine.
un lave-linge
Our dishwasher broke down.
un lave-vaisselle
Damien rents a student room.
une chambre d'étudiant
The Durands live in a bungalow in the Paris suburbs.
un pavillon
The Duponds live in a duplex near the city center.
un duplex
The Dubois live in an old farmhouse in the country.
une ferme
The Delarues live in a suburb of Marseille.
une cité
Ludivine rents a furnished apartment in the center of Bordeaux.
Niveau 359
There are five people in the waiting room.
une salle d'attente
It is impossible to go to the toilet during takeoff.
des toilettes
I put my large suitcase in the locker at the station.
une consigne
If you travel in business class, there is a buffet.
un buffet
The police are watching the train stations and airports.
la police
At customs, I was asked to open my suitcase and show my passport.
la douane
There were my keys in the lost and found.
les objets trouvés
We met at the meeting point.
un point rencontre
Niveau 360
What is your final destination?
une destination
The flight from Berlin will arrive on time.
une provenance
There is a mailbox near the entrance of the hotel.
une entrée
The exit is at the very end on the left.
une sortie
The wind is favorable and we will have a 20 minutes lead.
avoir de l'avance
The wind is unfavorable and we will be 30 minutes late.
avoir du retard
For Pyramids, change to Opera.
I missed the 6:32 pm train.